Hey yin, thank you. Your equations work, although not how I envisioned. Although they do the flickering animation, it is still "too perfect". But I think I wasn't really specific, I envision something more "organic" like what the bounce and elastic animations do. Those functions start/end slow and end/start fast, that's what I mean with an easing animation, not that I wanted a function that's only part of the "easings script"
However, I truncated the formula and used ((1-counter)/steps) ((Trunc(1-[&C:outElastic(([#Counter])/Steps,(1),(0))])) and the original easings started "working" but not as I expected either lol. The outElastic being the only one that does "more or less" what I want.
Your function is actually closer, although it's still too linear.
(The lack of frames on the gifts will make it look different, but it flickers more irl)
I'd like something more "random" like it could go: 0-1-0-0-1-0-1-1-0-0-1-0-1 or something like that (I know I wasn't specific at all on my eralier post lol, I thought "mimicking an old light bulb that flickers before turning on" was ), the more random the better.
Ok, after some invesrtigation and testing, I came up with:
local function easeOnOffBulb(x, s, e) local flickerChance = math.random() if flickerChance < 0.3 then return s elseif flickerChance < 0.6 then return e else return e endend----------function onoffBulb(x, s, e) return easeOnOffBulb(x, s, e)end
Statistics: Posted by RicardoTM — Yesterday, 11:13 pm