There is such a possibility. Even if the code you're using would have been nice, since you didn't post it, here is a general approach:I need an image to be showing when the visualizer isnt active. Now I think I could do this with the nowplaying plugin but is there any way I could do this with the audiolevel plugin maybe with if conditions
I've checked the plugin docs and I cant find something that returns a value of 1 or 0 if audio is detected
[MeasureAudio]Measure=PluginPlugin=AudioLevelPort=OutputRMSAttack=100RMSDecay=300RMSGain=2.5IfCondition=(#CURRENTSECTION#<0.00001)IfTrueAction=[!ShowMeter "TheMeterToBeShown"][!Redraw]IfFalseAction=[!HideMeter "TheMeterToBeShown"][!Redraw]
If you can't get it to work, post your code please.
Statistics: Posted by balala — Yesterday, 7:13 am