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Help: Rainmeter Skins • Re: A default image for my visualizer

I need an image to be showing when the visualizer isnt active. Now I think I could do this with the nowplaying plugin but is there any way I could do this with the audiolevel plugin maybe with if conditions
I've checked the plugin docs and I cant find something that returns a value of 1 or 0 if audio is detected
There is such a possibility. Even if the code you're using would have been nice, since you didn't post it, here is a general approach:


[MeasureAudio]Measure=PluginPlugin=AudioLevelPort=OutputRMSAttack=100RMSDecay=300RMSGain=2.5IfCondition=(#CURRENTSECTION#<0.00001)IfTrueAction=[!ShowMeter "TheMeterToBeShown"][!Redraw]IfFalseAction=[!HideMeter "TheMeterToBeShown"][!Redraw]
Theoretically the IfCondition=(#CURRENTSECTION#<0.00001) option should be IfCondition=(#CURRENTSECTION#=0), but it seems this way it doesn't work always. I assume even when there is no audio the plugin still returns an extremely small, but not zero value. I'm not sure, have no enough experience with this plugin, but this is my guess. However the above solution seems to be working for me.
If you can't get it to work, post your code please.

Statistics: Posted by balala — Yesterday, 7:13 am

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