For this you have to create just one single Time measure. Like this one:Thanks, So after this I can just put it in Text = %1 , Text = %2 under meter to print those numbers correct? And I don't need to put the MeasureName?
I'm trying to make a clock that displays time like this H.HMMddmm in a single string, also if I create multiple meters without adding x and y then will it overlap on each other?
With this approach, the [MeterTime] meter should have one single MeasureName option:
[MeterTime]Meter= StringMeasureName= MeasureTimeText = %1FontSize = 18
You have to use more String meters, each with its own settings. They can have different sizes, font types, colors and so on. You have to position them properly to achieve the desired look.Just wondering, I'd like to add same text on top of each other so its overlapping, with copying and pasting the MeterTime multiple times do it? (With different fonts)
Create the @Resources folder (if you don't already have it). Create a Fonts folder in this @Resources folder. Add the .ttf or .otf files of the fonts into this Fonts folder. If you did this, you can use them like they were installed on your computer. You can use them by FontFace=... options on String meters. See details here.Also I've font file I like to use in this skin only so do I need to add @Resource folder and place font in it, and do fontface = #@Resource#/filename?
Statistics: Posted by balala — Yesterday, 5:21 pm