It appears the code that provides data to that part of the Monitor skin is located in the [Monterey]\@Resources\Scripts\Widgets\ file:Just wondering how to fix this sensor if it needs fixing. Maybe it represents something else?
[NetBytes]Measure=PluginPlugin=UsageMonitorCategory=Network InterfaceCounter=Bytes total/secMinValue=0MaxValue=100UpdateDivider=(#BatterySaverMode# = 0 ? 10 : 20)OnChangeAction=[!UpdateMeasure NetRounded][NetWidth]Measure=PluginPlugin=UsageMonitorCategory=Network InterfaceCounter=Current bandwidthMinValue=0MaxValue=100UpdateDivider=3600OnChangeAction=[!UpdateMeasure NetRounded][NetRounded]Measure=CalcFormula=Round(Clamp(NetBytes * 8 / NetWidth * 100, 0, 100),0)MinValue=0MaxValue=100IfCondition=(NetMeasure < #YellowStarts#)IfTrueAction=[!SetVariable NetColor #GreenColor#]IfCondition2=(NetMeasure >= #YellowStarts#) && (NetMeasure < #RedStarts#)IfTrueAction2=[!SetVariable NetColor #YellowColor#]IfCondition3=(NetMeasure >= #RedStarts#)IfTrueAction3=[!SetVariable NetColor #RedColor#]OnChangeAction=[!CommandMeasure NetAnimation "Stop [&ActionList]"][!CommandMeasure NetAnimation "Execute [&ActionList]"][NetMeasure]Measure=CalcFormula=#NetValue#MinValue=0MaxValue=100DynamicVariables=1[NetAnimation]Measure=PluginPlugin=ActionTimerActionList1=Repeat AddStep, 100, 10ActionList2=UpdateAddStep=[!SetVariable NetValue ([#NetValue]+([&NetRounded:]-[#NetValue])/2)][!UpdateMeasure NetMeasure]Update=[!SetVariable NetValue [&NetRounded:]][!UpdateMeasure NetMeasure]DynamicVariables=1
If that's the case for you too, and the sum of the bandwidth of all your network interfaces in perfmon.exe dwarfs 8 times the bytes total per second for what is mostly a single active / transferring network interface, that would explain the result in the skin (didn't bother to check how and if other measures affect the value, but I reckon that if they do is not significant). The solution would be to add the proper Name option in the UsageMonitor measures (the equivalent of Instance in perfmon.exe, i.e. the bold-ed column headers at the top left in the screenshot) in order to indicate a single network interface to get data for, presumably the interface you're using to connect to the internet.
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Today, 2:54 am